Welcome to the Anthropocene

Is there a story?
My reflections during this work made me wonder about the story of this universe and how from the age of Adam and Eve the relationship between the human being and nature is of concern. Human beings have always perceived nature in their own image. The understanding of who we are as a species and our relationship with this biosphere seems lost. We humans have the power to think and our essential power lies in our capacity to organize a life around our culture. Our habits of livelihood, our practices, and even culture have a worldview. We are constantly evolving and creating stories. The worldview that we are a superior species is perceived as a dominant archetype and puts us above all else. This view allows us to look at the rest of the planet and all other beings in it as resources that are to be used for our own benefit.

The world today is not only facing ecological crisis but also story crisis. Our central story consists of economic growth and technological success. To keep continuing this idea we choose to turn blind towards the mass destruction we are causing at a planet level. This never-ending cycle at some point will reach its limits. Nature has already raised an alarm, warning the entire world to slow down the movement of this economic juggernaut, which tries to mold everything into a valuable resource. By disconnecting ourselves from nature, we have created a landscape of isolation. We have created a sense of separateness that can be observed in our dressing, eating and living habits. This evolved lifestyle is actually overrated and keeps us far from going back to nature. The world in which we were born and the one we live in now has changed, for good or bad, this cannot be said. This story of evolution is every human beings story. The earth is our only home. This life-giving force is suffering, and our story is of numbness.

The question of sustainability
“One of the most important things about permaculture is that it is founded on a series of principles that can be applied to any circumstance—agriculture, urban design, or the art of living. The core of the principles is the working relationships and connections between all things.”
― Juliana Birnbaum Fox

My research had led me to the concept of ‘Permaculture’, a unique framework that offers sustainable ways of living. I understand that this is a system inspired by innovative ideas of natural ecosystems fulfilling human needs existing in today’s world. It lays down a framework to create an ecologically compatible and effectual habitat by carefully examining how humans use the rich resources such as water, food, energy and other materials. I feel this philosophy can help establish the lost connection between human life and nature’s wisdom. This will help develop a sense of Eco-conscious awareness in our minds and allow us to use this consciousness in our daily lives to imagine and design an ecologically sustainable lifestyle for us.

Reflecting forward
I have a few concluding insights about this vast question of the Anthropocene. I understand that we humans cannot distinguish at this point from what might be the right or wrong thing to do. However we can at least observe the results of our current relationship with nature and notice the consequences it has had in terms of the ecological footprint.

A human being is considered an avatar of consciousness. When we get in touch with our conscious self, we begin to respect all life forms that surround us. A realization of, ‘Who we are?’ ‘What is the purpose of our existence?’ And all the ideas towards the fulfillment of that purpose begin to surface. Through my creative process, I tried to shed some light on some conscious questions and stimulating thoughts that came up in me. I realize that I have the capacity to act responsibly and conserve nature. I can reach out to like-minded groups and make small contributions towards bringing harmony with a sense of interdependence between people and explore new approaches towards a conscious living and breathing universe.

Delving into the symbolism of Chhinnamastaa, a fierce representation of the Goddess Kali, unveils profound cosmic wisdom. The Goddess, holding her severed head and drinking from the fountain of blood, signifies the inevitability of death for all life forms. This metaphor underscores the detachment of ‘consciousness’ from the physical body, emphasizing the spiritual path’s pursuit of separating thoughts from the material world.

The sacrifice of the head, akin to shedding ego, represents the challenging path to egoless consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. The Goddess’s consumption of blood signifies the transformative power that comes from sacrificing transient aspects of self in the hopes of finding divine consciousness. Hence, in recognizing our innate fear of detaching from bodily consciousness, the philosophy of Chhinnamastaa encourages us to seek transcendence.

Anomalies – Hypothetically Hybrid

There is a kind of subtle chaos, a supple element of chance and change, residing at the core of living things. Nature has no plan, nor does it copy well; hence no living thing is completely the same as others of its kind. Our DNA is subject to continual mutation, enabling generations to evolve within a changing world,’ says Charles Darwin.

Humans possess a dearth of attributes: strength, humility, conviction, harmony, humanity, humor, empathy, or awareness. In this series of hybridized imagery, blended with mythological as well as animal subjects, I try to convey fragmented beings. Each subject portrays a kind of metamorphosis, often having demonic or peculiar anomalies (mostly unseen to the naked eye) that symbolize our behavioral traits, or lack thereof, in society.

These figures may seem provocative, disobediently eating into a confined page, subjects floating in blank space as if cut from their environment, and thrown into the abyss. They are humanoid enough to be seen as sentient, yet also inhuman enough to appear aloof. I intended to create a feeling of transcendence, searching through underlying surfaces of human nature to extract something universal for many to relate to. My mission is to make the soul more perceptible and the process meditative by using the inner eye of contemplation.

Though history is written by the victors, there are many heroes who lay forgotten, though their untold narratives continue to contribute to our modern human experiences. Often overshadowed by more prominent figures, these unsung champions played pivotal roles in shaping the course of history. Their stories offer valuable lessons, showcasing resilience, courage, and the often-overlooked contributions that have influenced societal progress. Recognizing and remembering these forgotten heroes, steeped in religion, culture and mythology, not only honors their legacy but also provides a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities and diversity of human achievements.

I live in Meraki

To be called an Artist is a great responsibility. For me it has been a story of confrontation with my self, my demons, to pull my way through life. Art is difficult, most times it is the endurance of one’s own suffering and sometimes other’s. Stirring my soul out when something moves me, personal memories or stories of other people and doing this without destroying myself.

I live in Meraki (when one leaves a piece of their self (their soul, creativity, or love in one’s work). Everything I make is a reflection of my inner self (good or bad), it is me, a part of my soul goes into my creations. Even though this makes me vulnerable sometimes, I still continue to live with complete passion, dedication and remain present in service to what I believe in.

Let your light shine, literally

At the core of who we are, lies a realization, a light, a purpose to just ‘BE’, true to our self and others. By letting LOVE work through our being we can let our light shine and reveal a higher version of our self into the world. To witness this light without letting it shine through our BEing would mean denying our self from union with all that is.

We have a fountain of light within us, all we need to do is let it flow and illuminate our life as well as others lives we encounter in our journey.
Quoting Maya Angelou “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”.
So, let LOVE work through our being, liberate our self and our dear ones.

Eternal Rose

Appearance of a Rose is so captivating, so unique, a spectacular manifestation of arcs and trajectories. The form’s natural impulse is to move in circles, layered in petals, unfolding to reveal its eternal beauty.

As I embrace the idea of the Rose, its beauty inspires me. My response to the potential of this Rose allows new questions to surface within me. Where does beauty begin? With an object or subject? Is it sensory or is it a cerebral phenomena? Is a Rose eternal? Is beauty eternal?

What is beautiful and infinite for me may not be the same for another for many social, cultural and psychological reasons. As I think about the questions, I realize that to me even a dead rose is beautiful and powerful. It still radiates the beauty, which transmits all the qualities it possesses.

As I open myself to this idea of the ‘Rose’, it is being forever planted in my imagination, it grows in me, till it blossoms into a garden of roses, as the joy of possibilities, of seeing and feeling and being drawn into a world that is emerging, in the present moment, in the now.

I thank my guru Professor Shelley Sacks for gifting me this Rose. I shall cherish the idea of the ‘Eternal Rose’.

Thank you dear sister Dianne Regisford for capturing this significant moment for me. Gratitude.

From my inner drawing board into the living world

What started as mere exploration of longings and questions a year ago has become the starting point of a significant journey for me. We go through many changes and transformations in life and it helps to reflect on our experiences and their impacts on self and our outer world. I have learnt that ‘Imagination is the key to change’ and this capacity is infinite in us human beings. We can teach ourselves to focus on our imagination. We can work on our inner drawing boards, draw, write, erase and re-write and keep on working on the ideal image of future self. This process of visualization allows the creations from our mind to meet us in our outer reality into the living world. We can become the image we create. We need to remind ourselves about this miracle of manifestation. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world”.*The image is a part of an exhibit for my Masters program, an ongoing research work and understanding in the field of Social Sculpture and Connective Practice, Oxford.

What is ‘Food’?

Since our birth we are made aware of what foods are available to us for our consumption and what must be avoided. Some times we made the choices and some times the choices were made for us.

Food is our basic necessity, it is a celebration of culture, love, compassion, generosity, pleasure and consumption. If food is all of this then how do we participate in the act of control, domination, cruelty and death, because we often kill to eat. So, is food a matter of conditioning?

“The cycle of violence that starts at our dinner tables reverberates through our families, our communities, and through our relations, rippling into the field of our shared awareness” – Will Tuttle – The World Peace Diet

We are all creations of mother nature who births and sustains everything in this universe. Like us human beings, animals have feelings and longings; they nest, mate, crave, and are the conscious subjects of their lives. They make every effort to avoid pain or death and engage in what makes them happy and fulfilled.By commodifying animals for food we choose to be blind to our very routine actions that cause immense suffering to millions of living beings. This inability to respect and appreciate other life forms in this universe is allowing us to ravage forests, oceans and destroy nature. By refusing to witness, confront, and take responsibility for this realm of horror that our actions cause to those who are as sentient and vulnerable as us, we continue to violate the natural order in ways that cause enormous suffering to us and to animals as well. So, I request the people of the world to reflect on a few questions that are now an essential part of my journey –
*Can we make an effort to cultivate our awareness, understand and embrace our responsibility of reconnecting with the natural order?
*Is it possible that our routine violence against animals for our personal need to feed ourself could be one of the primary reasons behind human suffering and war?
*Can we become a force for blessing the world with our lives, rather than perpetuating disconnectedness and cruelty?
*With a conscious awareness and changes in our behaviour and attitudes, can we bring social transformation, explore new dimensions of freedom and creativity?
*Can we begin by observing our most important connection to sustainable living, our most fundamental daily ritual – OUR FOOD?

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