
“When you learn how to suffer, you suffer much less.”
―Thich Nhat Hanh

I owe this performance piece to a friend and extremely gifted performance artist and teacher Ana Barbour (1966 – 2017) of Café Reason – Butoh Dance Theater, Oxford.

In my early exploration of social sculpture practice, I grappled with extensive reading, feeling overwhelmed. I aimed to propose a question through an evocative, intersectional act using gestural communication—expressing with courage, honesty, and vulnerability. This act, a dormant question, was uncovered and revisited in a new environment, drawing from past memories shared with a new audience. Their interpretations highlighted unaddressed issues, fostering solidarity and empathy. The feedback emphasized the importance of exploring suffering in a non-judgmental space, connecting both the communicator and the audience.

Understanding and embracing our bodies is crucial; pleasure and self-love are transformative. An erotic connection empowers women, promoting positive well-being. Recognizing and celebrating oneself is vital for overall health and happiness.

Medium: Performance Action applying the Japanese Dance Theater Form ‘Butoh’ – Social Sculpture and connective practice. Year 2017, Oxford

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