The lullaby has long reflected the complexities and nuances of mothering love and feminine introspection. The moon always brings a Lullaby on my lips…it brings hope, hope of tunes I always wanted to hum looking at the sleeping faces of my loved ones that glow with health and trust. The lullabies sung in most cultures around the world actually connect us with nature. While the moon rocks the ocean, the African carries the baby on the back to market, the Puerto Rican rocks the hamaca, the child in the United States rocks the teddy bear, the Indian sings a lowrie, the Chinese sings Yao lan chiú swinging the baby’s basket, the Native American rocks a birch bark cradle. Closing our eyes we all go on a musical raft to find hope, peace and angels that caress us with love.
This tradition goes way beyond just a melody for babies. The work elaborates the idea that lullabies are not just for children. They create attachments between people of all ages. It is one that connects us with our capacity of resolving our need with comfort, calming us in crises and gaining clarity in conflicts. In trying times we all need to go back to the child within us, nurture others and ourselves. We need to give ourselves permission to rest and progressively handle matters causing turbulence with care.
The project is a hand quilted sound and light installation with a soundscape of traditional lullabies from different cultures and dialects.