Appearance of a Rose is so captivating, so unique, a spectacular manifestation of arcs and trajectories. The form’s natural impulse is to move in circles, layered in petals, unfolding to reveal its eternal beauty.
As I embrace the idea of the Rose, its beauty inspires me. My response to the potential of this Rose allows new questions to surface within me. Where does beauty begin? With an object or subject? Is it sensory or is it a cerebral phenomena? Is a Rose eternal? Is beauty eternal?
What is beautiful and infinite for me may not be the same for another for many social, cultural and psychological reasons. As I think about the questions, I realize that to me even a dead rose is beautiful and powerful. It still radiates the beauty, which transmits all the qualities it possesses.
As I open myself to this idea of the ‘Rose’, it is being forever planted in my imagination, it grows in me, till it blossoms into a garden of roses, as the joy of possibilities, of seeing and feeling and being drawn into a world that is emerging, in the present moment, in the now.
I thank my guru Professor Shelley Sacks for gifting me this Rose. I shall cherish the idea of the ‘Eternal Rose’.
Thank you dear sister Dianne Regisford for capturing this significant moment for me. Gratitude.