It is said that if our heart and intentions are in the right place, we attract everything that helps meet our purpose and need to be in this world. My artistic journey is blessed and transformative not just for me but for many whose intentions are aligned with me, ones who have chosen to walk alongside my path and the ones who do not align inevitably get removed from my force field. I love that about my journey, like some self-cleansing vortex of energy, I attract what and who I should, always stay grounded and keep moving on to a better place at every stage.
It feels amazing to look back and see how much everything has changed for the better or for worse. I have my own way of perceiving things that define me through my universe, how I feel much closer to my visions already. Not everyone can be known through the work they do but I consider myself lucky to be the one known by my purpose, which is to create, make art for a better world.